
Why ZENIQ & Safir?

(update 2023-03-14) Why ZENIQ & SAFIR? (my subjective view based on 7 months in the project) turn on subtitles and automatic translation Draft (sheet of paper) What to choose? Details Draft (sheet of paper) The text was created on a sheet of paper without looking at the source materials, computer or smartphone. 21 points, obviously […]

Performance in SAFIR

(update 2023-03-14) SAFIR Recommendation Marketing builds a community of users of ZENIQ products and additionally rewards active Partners with promotions in the career plan. Sign up now to get extra income:  **https://safir.cryptochemist.net  * The possibility of promotion depends on the Performance. Condition 40% Each leg will be limited to no more than 40% of total sales in […]

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