bonus pool

Earning money in SAFIR

(update 2023-06-03) You can make money in SAFIR even if you don’t have your own ZENIQ Hub yet, which mints ZENIQ Coins. NOTE: In SAFIR, you can earn more than just selling Hubs. See further. Uni-Level The first level always give you 10% commission, which is paid immediately when the purchase of your direct Partner/Client […]

Blockchain technology for 97% of the population

(update 2023-03-13) ZENIQ Technologies – implemented vision “3% of world population have access and knowledge how to use blockchain technology. The mission of ZENIQ Technologies is to bring this opportunity for other 97% of world population in as easy way as booking hotel.” Mag. Erwin Dokter, MBA Chief Executive Officer & Member of the ZENIQ […]

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