
Cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, ...


ZENIQ Hardware Wallet

Hardware wallets store users’ private keys securely, by being offline. Keys are stored within the microcontroller of the device, and cannot be exported in plaintext. Such wallets have the distinct advantage of being rather immune to potential viruses or hacks, which software or exchange wallets are considerably vulnerable to. The advantage of ZENIQ Hub is […]

EURO commission payout from SAFIR

(update 2023-03-15) You don’t have to recommend to earn money in SAFIR. Your Hubs mint ZENIQ coins every day, and they will do so for several years, taking into account the smooth halving in time and the smooth halving in the Hub sales. If you don’t have one yet, order your ZENIQ HUB now: * When […]

Crypto Keeps Going Mainstream! Tanzania

(update 2021-09-19) Cryptocurrencies continue to enter mainstream finance. More and more companies, organizations and countries are joining the use of blockchain technology, smart contracts and cryptocurrency as one of the payment methods. Tanzania The Guardian 2021-06-14 Monday The 6th President of Tanzania, Hon. Samia Suluhu Hassan sees crypto trend. In Tanzania, women are respected as mothers […]

Withdraw ZENIQ from SAFIR

(update 2022-01-15) Your ZENIQ Hubs generate ZENIQ coins that have a market value determined by transactions on exchanges. So the price is determined by demand and supply. Get your ZENIQ Hub now:  **  * Private note: As for cryptocurrency exchanges, I am still able to assume that this method of determining value works. As for traditional exchanges and […]

Bitcoin Pizza Day

On May 22nd, 2010, programmer Laszlo Hanyecza paid for two pizzas from Papa John`s pizzeria … 10,000 Bitcoins. It can and should be approached in at least two ways. Firstly, a transaction was made with the use of a new money – Bitcoin cryptocurrency. What so far has not had any practical application and of […]

Welcome to the website, where you will find ‘strictly subjective’ information, although resulting from the road traveled since 2016, when my adventure with cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology began. “The known is finite, the unknown infinite; intellectually we stand on an islet in the midst of an illimitable ocean of inexplicability. Our business in every […]

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