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GTS Advert

Full Reset of GTS Advert

(update 2024-01-25) The following article is of historical importance. All Guaranteed Sales (GTS) adverts have been reset to Standard Advert, i.e. to the status they had at the beginning. Each of them should be connected to the Check Mate tool for automatic compliance checking, which will decide and, if necessary, suggest: The entire article has been […]

Good Will Gesture from  5BillionSales 

(update 2022-08-15) If your GTS Advert exceeds more than 21 days at the status 9B, 5BS will load your GTAgency with 9 free Good Will Gesture (GWG) Starter Packs which you can sell to new advertisers for $269 each. Each Starter Pack can deliver 1x $155k which they pay 34% after delivery. You will retain the […]

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