Sell Data

Check Mate first diagnostic results

Check Mate The Check Mate service has been launched in  5Billion Sales  to check compliance of Standard Advert (SA) entered into the system and the possibility of its free update to Guaranteed Sales (GTS). After the first check, the possibility of using a given Standard Advert to sell/promote the advertised product is  approved. After two more checks, a decision will […]

Commissions, Overrides, Sell Data Income and Bonuses in  5BillionSales 

The Minimum Withdrawal for Earnings USD 20.00 The minimum withdrawal limit has been set to USD 20.00 for mixed Commissions, Overrides, Sell Data Income and Bonuses. The USD 20.00 is not set for Commission only or Overrides only, it is set as total for all earning types that are added to your wallet. You just […]

Profile Status in  5BillionSales 

I spent a lot of time learning about  5Billion Sales  and analyzing the project. FAQ It turns out that this project will work for us and our Partners. We will make it real in the eyes of others 30 days after the Launch, when it will be possible to make the first payouts. Then can be […]

22nd February  5BillionSales  launching

We already know the launching date of the  5BillionSales  project: 22nd February 2022. One of the main assumptions of the project is your participation in income from: Monetization of existing Internet activities Free registration in  5BillionSales :  **  *  5BillionSales  is:  5BillionSales  has monetized existing Internet activities that 5 billion people do every day.  5BillionSales  is revolutionizing the […]

 5BillionSales  invitation

(update 2022-04-30) Each of us uses the Internet and unconsciously or more consciously “sell” data about activity, to the giants of the e-commerce market: Google, Facebook, Tweeter, Amazon, YouTube … who then sell this data to other entities that create advertising targeted on clients. This is how the business world works and provides the products […]

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