ZENIQ Minting Hub

2021 ZENIQ & SAFIR 2022

2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣1️⃣ built the base of the ZENIQ & SAFIR project. Part of this base from the very beginning was the physical ZENIQ Hub, which secures (3FA) your crypto and fiat accounts, so it’s worth having one. Together with ZENIQ Minting Hub, ZENIQ Minting Farm and ZENIQ Minting Shares, they also mint ZENIQ coins, which are […]

Think! and ACTION !!!

“Think! only about what you want to achieve. Your thoughts generate your reality. + ACTION !!!” Jacek ‘Hodża’ Paciorek Think 🧠… by yourself Learn … constantly (read 📚 books, old ones 📜 too) Analyze ⁉️… independently ACT ‼‼ ️… definitely Work with your Master Mind, Super Mind, Trust of Brains (create it, even virtually): NOTE: […]

Why ZENIQ & Safir?

(update 2023-03-14) Why ZENIQ & SAFIR? (my subjective view based on 7 months in the project) turn on subtitles and automatic translation Draft (sheet of paper) What to choose? Details Draft (sheet of paper) The text was created on a sheet of paper without looking at the source materials, computer or smartphone. 21 points, obviously […]

Earning money in SAFIR

(update 2023-06-03) You can make money in SAFIR even if you don’t have your own ZENIQ Hub yet, which mints ZENIQ Coins. NOTE: In SAFIR, you can earn more than just selling Hubs. See further. Uni-Level The first level always give you 10% commission, which is paid immediately when the purchase of your direct Partner/Client […]

Contest 14 x EUR 100

(update 2023-03-14) The contest has ended. Congratulations to the winners 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 Terms and conditions Results FAQ Terms and conditions “Contest 14 x EUR 100” Jacek ‘Hodża’ Paciorek, CryptoChemist.net In case of questions, the fastest answer is to contact (text, conversation) via Signal, WhatsApp +48 727 907 885 Order your […]

ZENIQ Pay, Crypto-ATM

(update 2023-03-14) From the presentations on The First SAFIR Global Summit in Dubai 2021: New cooperation strategy: These real-world applications are generating the future value of the ZENIQ cryptocurrency. Get your ZENIQ Hub now:  **https://safir.cryptochemist.net/  * CoinwayWORLD https://coinwayworld.eu/ The purpose of the venture is to bridge the demand gap between customers (owners of digital assets) and actual retail […]

Photo report from the First SAFIR Global Summit in Dubai 2021

(update 2022-01-15) A lot of new and important information in the form of photos from the presentation at the First SAFIR Global Summit in Dubai, October 22-24, 2021. Download pdf with photo report: Get your ZENIQ Hub now:  **https://safir.cryptochemist.net/  * Download pdf with photo report: Get your ZENIQ Hub now:  **https://safir.cryptochemist.net/  *

Performance in SAFIR

(update 2023-03-14) SAFIR Recommendation Marketing builds a community of users of ZENIQ products and additionally rewards active Partners with promotions in the career plan. Sign up now to get extra income:  **https://safir.cryptochemist.net  * The possibility of promotion depends on the Performance. Condition 40% Each leg will be limited to no more than 40% of total sales in […]

 Star every month PAYMENT !!!

(update 2023-03-14) Every month PAYMENT !!! All those who have achieved even Ruby level in the SAFIR career plan have the right to participate in the distribution of 10% of the project profits (Performance Pool). For each level you score, you have the appropriate number of ⭐️ stars. The value of the payment depends on […]

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