(update 2024-10-29)

VOO develops software solutions for the aviation. It operates on blockchain ZENIQ SmartChain (ZSC).

The Aviation – a multi billion market for 🛫 flight bookings (USD 800 billion per year).

ALL_IN_ONE – solution for Airline & Business Jet 🚀 booking.
VOO MILES – the independent loyalty program for all air travel (🪙 Tokens & 💵 FIAT currency).
VOO CSR – the Aviation efficiency boost for climate protection (CCH: hmmmm … so-called political correctness).
VOO.ONE – the VOO-AVIATION Community (cooperative under European Law).

With VOO you have the possibility to become a shareholder in a real world. Industry game-changer like:
🚕 Uber – 149 million users, company market value USD 147 billion.
🏠 Booking.com – over 100 million mobile application users, company market value USD 135 billion..
📚 Amazon – the value of the shares has increased 2,300 times since the beginning of operations.

1️⃣ Apply for a membership of VOO.One, our VOO community by using plugin VOO.One WebOn:

in Nomo App (available on Google Play and App Store):

Scan below 👇 QR code in Nomo App:

Direct link (from QR code) also need action in Nomo App plugin VOO.One WebOn.

2️⃣ Become a member of VOO.One by purchasing 1 (one) share of VOO.One in the amount of 💶 EUR 100,- (payment by card or USDT crypto).
3️⃣ Discover your potential as VOO.One member and receive all the important information and guidance.
4️⃣ Qualify for VOO promoter as a member of VOO.One and benefit 💰 personally from the growth of the VOO-ecosystem.

Benefits of VOO.One

VOO.One offers its members a wide range of opportunities and advantages to benefit personally from exclusive membership. Extract from the current possibilities:
Participation in future 💰 profits of the cooperative through the purchase of shares in VOO AG and other projects.
Exclusive opportunity to acquire shares in VOO AG and ongoing profit distributions and increase in value of own shareholding until the planned IPO (Initial Public Offering, stock launch).
Discounted purchase of VOO HUBs (MasterNode). Instead of EUR 2,000 only EUR 1,500 as a member of VOO.One.
Economic benefits of using the VOO TRAVEL APP and the opportunity to generate passive income through the APP (planned launch end of October 2024).

Take action‼️ to became a shareholder of VOO projects.
First share you got after registration and paying 💶 EUR 100,- membership in VOO.One.

Scan below 👇 QR code in Nomo App:

icon Disclaimer icon
**  The information provided on the website are not an investment advice, they comes from the projects’ source materials, corporate and partner presentations, my work with the projects as well as from work and own creativity. They were presented according to my current knowledge and experience.

icon Business disclaimer icon (risk of loss, risk of losing profits)
Any business, investment, new opportunities comes with a risk of loss (resources, work, time). Only put as much icon money and as much icon time as you can afford to lose !!!
also about the fact that the lack of your actions is also a risk … of losing potential icon profits.
Think! and analyse what you (don’t)choose.

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