SAFIR Recommendation Marketing

SAFIR moved to XERA

Information relating to SAFIR and, to a large extent, ZENIQ, already has historical significance.
Look for continuation and new opportunities under the headings XERA, KMINTINGS and KMall.

SAFIR is building recommendation marketing of High-Tech products for the world.

Business Possibility – Recommendation Marketing

Develop your independent business as a side project or main one, to achieve the lifestyle you deserve and want.

High-Tech Products

Offer High-Tech products from exclusive High-Tech partners highly recognized for their quality.

Networking Philosophy

Learning and applying relational marketing, create your own trusted network of distributors, based on SAFIR core values.

ALL Note: SAFIR provides its community with highly innovative hardware products and software solution in the product categories of Health-Tech, Energy-Tech as well as Blockchain-Tech. SAFIR does NOT offer any financial services such as crypto trading, arbitrage, coin selling or buying.


Blockchain, tokenization and the like will change the lives of all of us sustainably. Use the time of change to benefit from it in the long term.


Health is the highest good. The latest technologies support you in staying healthy or getting back to it. Health should be the “normal state”.


Educational platform designed for people without previous technical knowledge that provides its users with a continuous formation methodology on blockchain technology through a full course with individual videos covering various areas.

Strategic Partners

  • Blockchain Tech
    • ZENIQ coin
    • AVINOC token
    • TUPAN token
    • SIDI token
    • REGARDLESS token
    • TDRONE token
  • Health Tech
    • iFibr
  • Education-Tech
    • DecentraLearn.

How do you earn in SAFIR Recommendation Marketing

Probably the most ingenious distribution system in the world

A marketing program that manages the building of the ZENIQ & SAFIR community.

Your growth chart. As your network grows, you climb up a level and take home more returns.

  1. Uni-Level Benefits (up to 15 levels).
  2. Career Rank (Career Benefit).
  3. Other encouraging benefits.
  • Top Uni-Level Plan with 15 levels, just in the first 4 levels 10%, 6%, 5%, 4% … (total 42%)
  • Cumulative Career Ranks sales and a total of > € 4.5 million additional rank bonuses. Product sales are calculated cumulatively. No obligation of monthly sales confirmations and no possible sales expiry (all Career Ranks).
  • Check other encouraging benefits starting from the Pro level:

Login to backoffice:

See a brief description of the ecosystem’s ZENIQ & SAFIR capabilities

SAFIR moved to XERA

Information relating to SAFIR and, to a large extent, ZENIQ, already has historical significance.
Look for continuation and new opportunities under the headings XERA, KMINTINGS and KMall.

icon Disclaimer icon
**  The information provided on the website are not an investment advice, they comes from the projects’ source materials, corporate and partner presentations, my work with the projects as well as from work and own creativity. They were presented according to my current knowledge and experience.

icon Business disclaimer icon (risk of loss, risk of losing profits)
Any business, investment, new opportunities comes with a risk of loss (resources, work, time). Only put as much icon money and as much icon time as you can afford to lose !!!
also about the fact that the lack of your actions is also a risk … of losing potential icon profits.
Think! and analyse what you (don’t)choose.

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