ZENIQ Hub delivery

(update 2023-03-15) 🔔 The delivery of ZENIQ Hub on the way. There is very big queue as a result of PLANdemia. Please be patient. Order your ZENIQ Hub now, the secure gateway to blockchain world:  **https://safir.cryptochemist.net/  * 📅 In the past months ZENIQ Technologies has mastered huge challenges and increased ⬆️ the production capacity in the meantime […]

Why ZENIQ & Safir?

(update 2023-03-14) Why ZENIQ & SAFIR? (my subjective view based on 7 months in the project) turn on subtitles and automatic translation Draft (sheet of paper) What to choose? Details Draft (sheet of paper) The text was created on a sheet of paper without looking at the source materials, computer or smartphone. 21 points, obviously […]

ZENIQ Pay, Crypto-ATM

(update 2023-03-14) From the presentations on The First SAFIR Global Summit in Dubai 2021: New cooperation strategy: These real-world applications are generating the future value of the ZENIQ cryptocurrency. Get your ZENIQ Hub now:  **https://safir.cryptochemist.net/  * CoinwayWORLD https://coinwayworld.eu/ The purpose of the venture is to bridge the demand gap between customers (owners of digital assets) and actual retail […]

Photo report from the First SAFIR Global Summit in Dubai 2021

(update 2022-01-15) A lot of new and important information in the form of photos from the presentation at the First SAFIR Global Summit in Dubai, October 22-24, 2021. Download pdf with photo report: Get your ZENIQ Hub now:  **https://safir.cryptochemist.net/  * Download pdf with photo report: Get your ZENIQ Hub now:  **https://safir.cryptochemist.net/  *

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