Earning money in SAFIR
SAFIR moved to XERA
Information relating to SAFIR and, to a large extent, ZENIQ, already has historical significance.
Look for continuation and new opportunities under the headings XERA, KMINTINGS and KMall.
(update 2023-06-03)
You can make money in SAFIR even if you don’t have your own ZENIQ Hub yet, which mints ZENIQ Coins.
NOTE: In SAFIR, you can earn more than just selling Hubs. See further.

The first level always give you 10% commission, which is paid immediately when the purchase of your direct Partner/Client is made.
Top Uni-Level Plan with 15 levels, just in the first 4 levels 10%, 7%, 5%, 4% …

So, for example, if your Partner or Client buys the most popular full ZENIQ Minting Hub for EUR 1,499, you receive EUR 149.90 in commission. From ZENIQ Minting Farm bought a multiple of that.
If you have bought your Hub, eg ZENIQ Minting Hub, you have access to two levels of commission, the second level paying 7%. As you advance in your career plan, you reach deeper in Uni-Level, even up to the 15th level.
Sign up now to get extra income: **
https://safir.cryptochemist.net *
Career Rank
For reaching the next career level, resulting from the turnover (Performance) + the number of direct referrals, you receive an immediate one-time commission.

Performance Pool
Monthly participation in 10% global revenue Performance Pool starting from the Ruby level.

The value of the payment depends on the profits of the project and the number of Partners qualified for the payment of this commission. So it changes from month to month.
Get your ZENIQ Hub now: **
https://safir.cryptochemist.net/ *
When you have a structure of Partners built, they can buy much more than just the Hubs that are available from the beginning. From December 2021, more and more next-generation products are available for your Partners to purchase. You also get a commission on the prices of these products, just like on the sale of Hubs.
Imagine the turnover when people and companies start buying products:
- for health (Health-Tech);
- for education (Education-Tech);
- based on blockchain (Blockchain-Tech), e.g. staking with commissions but … charged on the growing value of tokens, not on their purchase prices ‼
which are only available through the SAFIR Recommendation Marketing.
Health and Epigenetics

Mind over matter (epigenetics)

iFibr MedBed-S – EUR 1,490 net
Crypto staking involves “locking up” a portion of your cryptocurrency for a period of time as a way of contribution to blockchain network. In exchange, stakers can earn rewards, typically in the form of additional coins or tokens.
Avinoc Token

Sign up now to get extra income: **
https://safir.cryptochemist.net *
NOTE: The current knowledge about this project is reflected in the materials presented in your SAFIR backoffice.

** The information provided on the website are not an investment advice, they comes from the projects’ source materials, corporate and partner presentations, my work with the projects as well as from work and own creativity. They were presented according to my current knowledge and experience.
Risk and profit
Every businesses and new opportunities involve a risk. The greater the input (resources, work), the greater the risk but also the greater the potential profit.
Lost opportunities are also a risk.
Think! and analyse what you (don’t)choose.