
Cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, ...

First SAFIR Global Summit 22-24 October 2021, Dubai

SAFIR moved to XERA

Information relating to SAFIR and, to a large extent, ZENIQ, already has historical significance.
Look for continuation and new opportunities under the headings XERA, KMINTINGS and KMall.

(update 2021-08-26)

Welcome to:

First SAFIR Global Summit

22-24th of October 2021

  • education & training;
  • news & updates;
  • outlook on the next steps;
  • pure team spirit;
  • and of course … FUN.

Meet some of the Worlds best blockchain and tokenization experts and consultants.


In the event can participate SAFIR Promoters with w minimum reached career-level of Starter Plus. If you reach this level, please login to your SAFIR account and go to Shop tab. You see the promotion video and button Attend. On the next page you can check Overview (see PDF) and order your ticket.

Starter Plus career-level


  • Minimum direct active Partners: 4
  • Minimum sales (Performance condition  ***): 5000 EUR

*** 40% clause, that means: Every „leg“ will be limited to not exceed 40% of the total sales in the circulation. This is shown as Performance in your SAFIR online backoffice.


  • Uni-Level commission: 3
  • Bonus: 75 EUR
  • Opportunity to participate in First SAFIR Global Summit

Breaking news 🕚 2021-08-21 Sat

Our Super Upline Jan has achieved today Sapphire position in SAFIR. CONGRATULATION 👍🚀😀 It is thanks to his efforts and support that I have discovered and passed on the possibilities of ZENIQ & SAFIR

I’ve been a Ruby for two weeks.

We thank all Partners for their contribution. We both already have a share in the profits of the entire undertaking, which is something to fight for.

Here are your career plan options:

Take Action 🚀 🌍 📈

Do you know that …?
*  After registering in our SAFIRCryptoChemist team, you will receive a series of e-mails with information about the ZENIQ & SAFIR project and up-to-date information on the most important events.

NOTE: The current knowledge about this project is reflected in the materials presented in your SAFIR backoffice.

icon Disclaimer
**  The information provided on the website are not an investment advice, they comes from the projects’ source materials, corporate and partner presentations, my work with the projects as well as from work and own creativity. They were presented according to my current knowledge and experience.

Risk and profit

Every businesses and new opportunities involve a risk. The greater the input (resources, work), the greater the risk but also the greater the potential profit.
Lost opportunities are also a risk.
Think! and analyse what you (don’t)choose.

2 thoughts on “First SAFIR Global Summit 22-24 October 2021, Dubai

  1. Good day:
    I write to express my interest in been a participant at your upcoming event 22 – 24th October 2021. Which link can I use to complete my online registration?

    1. Hello Chancy 🙂
      In the event can participate Safir Promoters with w minimum reached career-level of “Starter Plus”. If you reach this level, please login to your Safir account and go to Shop tab. You see the promotion video and button Attend. On the next page you can check Overview and order your ticket.
      First Safir Global Summit 22-24 October 2021, Dubai

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